April 2 - 5 2020

Exhibition Hall

Artist Alley

To those interested in applying to our Artist Alley, please read the following sections with information regarding our Artist Alley. Please email  artists@teamtekko.us   with any questions or inquiries prior to the application opening.


General Artist Alley Information
  • Applications for 2020 will be juried by the Artist Alley Supervisor and a small group of her trusted peers, we will not be strictly First Come First Serve. The application will be open for 1 hour from 12pm to 1pm. The application will not open sooner than 12pm and will not be open past 1pm. Any works of art/product pieces that break any of our rules will result in the entire application being rejected from the get-go.
  • If the interested Artist is unable to fill out their application due to being at another convention during signups, we do allow for someone else to do it on their behalf. It is the Artist’s responsibility to ensure they give all needed information upon submission. Missing information from the application will subject the application to be skipped over entirely, applications can not be edited after submission.
  • Once the application closes for the year, any inquiries after the fact are automatically sent to the end of the waitlist and may be subjected to being denied outright if the waitlist is deemed full by the Artist Alley Supervisor.
  • We do allow tablesharing between different studios! The secondary studio WILL be juried at a later date. Do not submit multiple applications to try to increase your chances of getting in. All may be skipped over entirely.
  • We do NOT allow proxy selling in any capacity. No exceptions, do not ask.
  • 1 Table is $100 without badge purchase, 2 Tables are $200 without badge purchase
  • Members of Tekko/Sangawa Project/PittJCS staff are ineligible for participation in Artist Alley *unless* it has been approved before the application is available to fill out.
Abbreviated Artist Alley Rules

The following is an abbreviated list of Tekko Artist Alley rules. All accepted Artists will receive a full set of rules with our informational packet once they pay for their tablespace. This list is to give interested Artists an idea of what to expect within our Artist Alley.

  • All standard Tekko rules apply within Artists’ Alley.
  • All Artists must be 18 years old or older as of January 1st, 2020 to be able to sell within Artist Alley in April. Table assistants must be 16 years old or older to be able to help at the tables.
  • A tax license is not needed to be shown for signing up/participating in our Artist Alley. It’s an Artist’s own responsibility to obtain a license and file appropriate taxes with Pennsylvania after the show ends (see more info on how to here: https://revenue-pa.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/212 ).
  • Badges are NOT included in a table purchase. One (1) table will be $100, Two (2) will be $200.
  • Artists will be given a deadline to purchase their tables once accepted. Artists that fail to pay for their tablespace on time will forfeit their space for the year. You will NOT be permitted to stay on the waitlist or share with another studio if this happens.
  • Artists can have up to 4 assistants to their tablespace, for a total of 5 persons. 2 tables are not allotted extra assistants. Every person must have their own badge (badge sharing is expressly prohibited).
  • Artists may request 1 or 2 tables on their applications. Artists may use clothing racks/photo-stands/etc within their tablespace but must make prior arrangements before the convention starts to utilize them. Displays must be sturdy, be no more than 10ft tall from the floor, and not impede on another Artist’s tablespace (which does include hanging prints on the sides of your displays, displays covering another Artist’s booth, blocking walkways, etc). Any displays that are in violation will be asked to be adjusted.
  • Proxy selling is NOT permitted, you CANNOT sell merchandise on another Artist’s behalf. If you and another Artist collaborated on any merchandise together, you must apply together on the application and subsequently be selling at the same table(s) if accepted.
  • All work sold within the Artist Alley must have artistic merit and be YOUR OWN works. Anything resembling bootlegs, official merchandise, copying another Artist’s work, anything traced/eyeball copied, etc is expressly prohibited. Splatter Art and Perler Bead art are only accepted if they are made from scratch and in no way copy any official works/another Artist. Fan art is OK to sell, but must follow any other rules regarding art. Artists must research what IPs are “ok” to sell and must be compliant with staff if we ask you to remove any offending items that are a no-go (Sanrio, RoosterTeeth, StudioMDHR, to name a few). Reconstructed art is also OK to sell but must show considerable time and skill in creating the items to qualify as being sellable (example – official Pokémon stickers stuck to a plain notebook cover would not be accepted).
  • Mature (+18) art can be sold but is not allowed to be a part of an Artists main display (we are a family friendly event!). Customers must be ID’ed before purchasing anything Mature (+18), all works need to be in a clearly marked bin/binder. Artists reserve the right to deny any sales they are not comfortable in completing. It is illegal to sell Mature (+18) art to minors under any circumstance. Shotacon and Lollicon related artworks are forbidden to sell in our Artist Alley, no exceptions.
  • Any Artist that sells cosmetics of any kind must follow the FDA guidelines in regard to labelling and product used to create your cosmetics (https://www.fda.gov/Cosmetics/Labeling/Regulations/ucm126444.htm). Those found in violation will be asked to remove their items from the convention center for the entirety of the weekend.
  • All Artists will be solely responsible for the durability/legalities of anything they sell at their tablespace. Tekko/PittJCS will not be held accountable or get involved with any issues that arise between Artists and their customers.
  • Please see the next tabbed area on this page regarding our refund policy! Artists may opt out of their acceptance at any time prior to purchasing their tablespace. Artists that fail to purchase their tablespace on time forfeit their space for that year.
Table Refund and No Show Policy

Table Refund Policy
In the event an Artist has purchased a tablespace and are unable to make it to Tekko 2020, we do allow TABLE refunds during specific time frames. Badges are NONREFUNDABLE per the guidelines on our registration section of the website.

Artists are expected to reach out to the Artist Alley Supervisor via email as soon as they know they cannot attend the show. If the paying Artist is unable to email themselves, please have a trusted peer do so on your behalf if the circumstances need it. Timely responses are required to ensure a potential refund can be processed and/or waitlisted Artists can be contacted to fill the table.

Tables are NOT transferrable to future years, or to other artists. You must reapply for a future year in order to be eligible for a table for that year. Tables that open up are offered to those on the waitlist until it is fulfilled. Those that try to circumvent this policy are subjected to being banned from selling within the Exhibition Hall for a minimum of one (1) year.

  • From December 1st, 2019 to January 31st, 2020 – 100% / Full Table Refund
  • From February 1st, 2020 to February 29th, 2020 – 50% / Half Table Refund
  • From March 1st, 2020 to the start of the convention – No refund will be given


No Show Policy
If there is a No Show open table when the convention starts, it will be up for sale after 5pm on the Friday of the convention. This is First Come First Serve; the interested Artist must be ready to pay in cash for the tablespace and sign a contract upon arrival to claim the tablespace.


Tekko 2020 Vendor Applications are not yet open.

Please forward any questions to Vendors@teamtekko.us