Media and Press Hub for Tekko!
Tekko in the News
When you look at a convention like this, you’re looking at a group of mostly introverted people. This is an opportunity — they can get the videos online, now, play games online. This is a place they can come and be themselves with peer-to-peer interaction. Where else can you do that, but at a friend’s house.
While Tekko is on track to bring in a lot of new faces and costumes, some long-time attendees have made the annual trek to Tekko a tradition.
“It’s like Thanksgiving, you come together with your family,” Foster Owens, who has been coming to Tekko since 2008, said. “Every year you can come and meet someone new to be friends with … and … ya know, be nerds together,”
Press Pass Application
Press Application and Process
On-site press registration & membership pick-up will be done at the Operations office (Con Ops) of each event.
Any pertinent press-related items (with the exception of print samples) may be sent to the Marketing Department via email prior to the convention for pre-registration. Any outlet that pre-registers will be able to pick up press badges (2 maximum) at the event with a government-issued photo I.D. (or Student I.D. as applicable). Failure to do so may result in denial of your press badges. Only one of each of the required credentials is required; however, each individual press member should submit a business card if available, validating their affiliation with their organization.
Online press registration will close 1 week prior to the event and any inquiries for badges received after that point will be directed to on-site registration at the convention.
Each press membership must be picked up by the person whose name appears on the pass.
Each outlet is allowed to have representation at a maximum of two (2) press badges per event.
Eligibility for Press/Comp badges will be decided by the Tekko Marketing group. Press Badges can be picked up at the Operations office. Print and broadcast media should send clips or links to pre- and post-show coverage to
Video & Audio Recording
Any video or audio recordings of Pitt JCS-sponsored events are not to be uploaded to the Internet, or made available to the public, in their entirety. If you wish to use recordings of such events, only “highlight” clips may be used.
Please keep in mind that any video recording containing audio of third-party content (such as a song, audio track, movie/show clip, etc.) must have audio/video removed prior to posting, as its usage is governed by copyright rules of the artist, production company, and/or label.
Press/Digital Media Credentials Verification
- Print Newspaper Media
- Broadcast Media (Radio/Television)
- Student Press
- Online publication, web-based blog, podcast, etc.
- Documentary
Press Members may direct any additional questions/disputes regarding these policies with the Marketing Department Head.
Submitting a request for a press/digital media badge does not guarantee automatic acceptance. Please follow us on our Websites and Facebook Group! We will be updating information frequently to announce any changes or additions to each scheduled event.
For additional information and/or questions, please
- Tekko Marketing staff will send out the press-only session schedules for VAs including times, dates & location, once the final programming schedule is complete.
Note: Music and Fashion guest Q&A will only be available in the general sessions.
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